Cheap International calls from Glasgow

Use VoipCheap UK to save on your international calling charges! You can now call to any international destination from Glasgow, simply by registering with VoipCheap UK and using our Glasgow (United Kingdom) Local Access number.

Make good use of your credits and make cheap regular and mobile phone calls via our access number.

Make sure you have entered your home and/or mobile phone number in your settings so you can access our local rate numbers.

Call our local access number for Glasgow: 0141 888 2020 (Local rate) and wait for the voice prompt.

You can now enter any (international) number you want, and VoIPCheap connects your call. Costs for the onward calls will be settled via your VoIPCheap-account at the current rates. After entering the telephone number you want to call, you will hear the current rate of the destination you are calling so you know exactly what each call will cost - in advance!